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^[[ [[centered]] [[underline]] 12 [[/underline]] [[/centered]] ]]


Finished products alone will not, as a rule, be placed in this division, the main object being not to show products but processes, and it is necessary to impose this restriction in order that the division may not be overwhelmed with donations of specimens which do not meet [[strikethru]] with [[/strikethru]] with its requirements.

The nucleus for this division is already at hand the latest accessoin being a series of 17 specimens illustrating the manufacture of soda by the Solway process.

Fermentation and Distillation. – This will be a subdivision naturally including the manufacture of beer, wine, and other alcoholic preparations. It will afford opportunity to collect and exhibit various alcoholic beverages from distant parts of the world, most of which are only knownby ^[[ Vertical line separating the previous 2 words ]]name from accounts of travelers.

D. Analytical Chemistry and Research. – This division will include principally various forms of appar ^[[ a ]] tus for special working analysis and research. It would aim to become a historical record of progress and would ensure recognition of priority of ^[[, ]] invention of improved [[strikethru]] illegible [[/strikethru]]