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[[underline]] 13. [[/underline]]

apparatus to those to whom it is due.
    The exhibition of improved forms of apparatus for [[underline]] special purposes [[/underline]] would be of great interest to chemists.

[[underline]] Do not copy beyond this.[[/underline]] 


  The following rules for the acknowledgement of specimens will be adhered to:
    Each comtribution will be recognized by a formal written acknowledgement from the Director.
    Each contribution will be published in the annual reports of the Smithsonian Institution and the National Museum; and in the catalogues and other publications of these establishments in which the objects contributed may be alluded to, the name of the contributor will always be given.
    On the label which is invariably attached to every object, the name of the contributor will be conspicuously printed.  In the case of donations the form will be "Gift of ____ ____," and where the objects have been obtained by special exertions of a friend of the Museum, who, however, is not their donor, the form will be "Obtained by _____ _____," or "Collected by _____ _____."