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Fourth Oral History Interview 
Lucile Quarry Mann
July 20, 1977
at her home of 3001 Veazey Terrace, N.W., Washington, D.C.
by Pamela M. Henson
for the Smithsonian Institution Archives

HENSON: We're going to continue talking about the 1940 field trip to Liberia, under the Firestone sponsorship.  We had ended the last interview with you talking about the first trip out in the bush and joining the snake society.  I guess you made of series of other trips?

MANN: Oh, yes.  We came back from Belleyella to the plantation and had quite a few animals, including a baby chimp that had pneumonia.  We'd had to stop much more frequently along the way to feed and water the animals, and to give them a rest.  So it had taken us four days to get to Belleyella, but it took us five to get back.  We always stopped in a little village at night and, of course, commandeered somebody's hut.  There was one village that we came through that time where the girls had just come back from their three years in the bush.  They take the young people--both boys and girls--separately, and the girls had just come back from their three years so it was a great celebration