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[[1st card left]]
Cl. 7.
ka'ba  ice
[[end 1st card left]]

[[2nd card left]]
Cl. 7.
tlōs titl ka'ba  ice melts
[[end 2nd card left]]

[[3rd card left]]
Cl. 5.
tlnatē'tamiē Indian
natē tamuitks plu.
[[end 3rd card left]]

[[4th card left]]
Cl. 6.
anyū ci'ma,  I will use it
[[end 4th card left]]

[[1st card right]]
Cl. 4.
ē's'is  blue jay
[[end 1st card right]]

[[2nd card right]]
Cl. 10.
[[double underlined]]e[[/double underlined]] nsup [[double underlined]]e[[/double underlined]] na , I jump
[[end 2nd card right]]

[[3rd card right]]
Cl. 6.
at'ē'wat, kettle, wooden kettle [[strikethrough]]brase kettle [[/strikethrough]] bucket
[[end 3rd card right]]

[[4th card right]]
Cl. 6.
iak'ē dinaq , he is one who knows to kill everything
[[end 4th card right]]