Viewing page 59 of 434

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[[page number in pencil in top right corner]]  194
[[stamped page number in top margin]]  196

lāxā,    Qōxsō, lā  lāī Dōqālā  Xīs  s,āsām   lā
so that, Hold  then she see now her children now 

nāqā Bābābāgūm   lā, ōāmlāwīsī
all  little boys now only she

                     _                _
D,gūqālāgās lā   DōqāLā,  lāām    GāgōLā
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                       ¯ ¯
........... now watching now she learning

Xā   Gāmdām  s,ā  Gāgāgā   yā   xā  nīkī,
that song of the marriage this that say,

                  _           _
lā  Gāmdām  s,ā HīLdgāqī:  1. Lāp,ālīlāyā      āī
now song of the Bālābālā:  1. Spread on floor tone.

      _                          _
hā    Lāpālīlāyā       āī   hā   Lāp,ālīlāyā     īā hā
tone, spread on floor tone tone, spread on floor tone