Viewing page 194 of 434

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[[page number in pencil in top right corner]]  238
[[stamped page number in top margin]]  240

                                               _ _
qānōqās    W,ālās nāmōqīsī   lāāms   xīdgāx∙ālāLūL
═          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
daughter of .............., now you see her dance you

Wālās Qāgūlth    lāx, [[underline]] māqālāgālīsī, [[/underline]] 
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                         ═
4th. Ft. Rupert to her,      all tribes blanket giver

son of

                               _       _
Wālās nāmōqīsī,  lāmī    lāgālīLān   WāLdāmā
.............., now its gone out my words here

Wā    Wā,    lāām    Hūḵāw,ālsā  Xā     QīLdī
done done, now there  gone out  that feasters the passed

lāām    lābā.

now to the end.

7 pages about feast & bargaining for copper see in
next page about selling it.