Viewing page 221 of 434

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[[page number in pencil in top right corner]]  265
[[stamped page number in top margin]]  267

wīlī D,ā Bālxālās,gāmī lāˀās  
all  the   blankets   and he 
                        _                           _
[[strikethrough]] yāgāgāLā [[/strikethrough]] yāgāgāLā 
                    ¯ ¯                         ¯
                                             make speech

                                                               _ _
yāx [[underline]] māqā [[underline]] Wā   Wā,    lāmān   Wāxā  LūL
he                ....              done done, now I say done to you

                        _                     _
Gīgāgāmīs       līālqālāLī    lāḵās     mān QāLā
    ¯                                       ¯
all chiefs of the all tribes now rarely  I  done

lāmān    W,āsīdā s,gān  Gīgāmī  Gān,  Wā
now I have pity  on my  chief of mine done

Wā     Kān   nīkī     nus  Gīgāgāmī
done for me to say t my all chiefs
[[symbol spanning both lines above: narrow vertical "U" shape with a circular tip on its right side]] 

lā    Lāxwīdī
then get up he 

[[underline]] ōw,āxālāgālīs [[/underline]] Kās    
              ............                and he 
                        _                           _
[[strikethrough]] yāgāgāLī [[/strikethrough]] yāgāgāLī
                    ¯ ¯                         ¯
                                             made speech

lā     nīkā   Wā
then said he done