Viewing page 433 of 434

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[[page number in blue pencil in top right corner]]  410
[[stamped page number in top margin]]  414

lāxā    w,āpī, lāˀām  D,ōQālī Xānyādgāmgīlōqā
                         ¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
to that water  now he  see he ...............

Xā   āmāyī mākōlā  lāxā   D,gālāLī  Pōqīlēlā
that small island to that   lake floating about

lā   lāī  gālbāLānī    Xā    D,āwīxī    lā  lāī  lāstā
then he  climbed down that cedar withs then he  reached

lāxā    D,gālāLī, Hīx∙īdā      āmlāwīs,ā     QāˀāQūdēs,ā
to that lake he , right away they say he the sucker of the

W,āpī lā      māQāgānd     Qūtābāx     ō,Qīnāyās,   lā
                ¯                        ¯
water go covered his body sucking his body of his, then

       _                                _
lāī  QāL    lāstā     lāī āīgīstā  gālbāLānī  Xā
he  finish in washing he   go up  climbing up the