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accidence, rythm and euphony, often graded by nice scales of enunciation, which bring to his mind all the distinctions of thought necessary to knowledge. He does not miss refinements which are wanting, because he knows not that other nations possess them; and long before the child has reached youth, or youth manhood, he has become a perfect adept in the utmost involutions of his mother tongue.

As him now, what are the elements of his language, its ground and root forms, and principles of concord, and he is mute. He knows nothing of the natter. We have questioned and cross-questioned him a thousand times. He cannot by any precision of thought, or corresponding expression of words, denote these rules. He knows the language in its oral state -- he is a master of the use of pollysyllables -- he is a scholar in the transpositive art changing word for word, and mixing syllable with syllable; but he cannot impart the rationale to others. He is guided by laws of abbreviation, and of aggregation fixed in his ear and memory, which are in truth, his only guide and record. They constitute his dictionary and his grammar. All such a man can give to the philological inquirer, is examples. It is from these, that principles are to be deduced. A few instances of this tendency of the languages to aggregation, may be added to illustrate these views. The following terms, which are taken, chiefly, from the class of monosyllables, exhibit the elementary, and some of the less concrete words in the Chippewa family of the Algonquin.*

*Some remarkable coincidences in the lexiography of this tribe on the banks of Lake Superior, and the tribes now fighting for their independence on the banks of the Indus, have recently been observed.

Nouns with the personal pronoun nominative prefixed.
Radix.  My: mine  Thy: thine  He or she, his or her.
Body.  Ow.  Ne-ow.  Ke-ow.  Ow-un.
Eye.  Aub.  Ne-aub.  Ke-aub.  Aub-un.
Nose.  Chaus.  Ne-chaus.  Ke-chaus.  O-chaus.+
Mouth.  Don.  Ne-don.  Ke-don.  O-don.
Arm.  Nik.  Ne-nik.  Ke-nik.  O-nik.
Hand.  Ninj.  Ne-ninj.  Ke-ninj.  O-ninj.
Leg.  Kaut.  Ne-kaut.  Ke-kaut.  O-kaut.
Foot.  Zid.  Ne-zid.  Ke-zid.  O-zid.
Bone.  Kun.  Ne-kun.  Ke-kun.  O-kun.
Heart.  Dai.  Nin-dai.  Ke-dai.  O-dai.
Liver.  Koon.  Ne-koon.  Ke-koon.  O koon.
Lights.  Pun.  Ne-pun.  Ke-pun.  O-pun.
Navel.  Dis.  Nin-dis.  Ke-dis.  O-dis.
+ The sign of the pronoun in O, here assumes its ordinary position as a prefix to the noun.

Radix.  My : mine.  Thy : thine.  He, she and his hers.
Father.  Ös.  N-ös.  K-ös.  Os-un.
Mother.  Guh.  Nin-guh.  Ke-guh.  Ke-guh.  O-guh.
Son.  Guiss.  Nin-guiss.  Ke-guiss.  O-guiss.
Daughter.  Daun.  Nin-daun-iss.+  Ke-daun iss.  O-daun-iss.
Brother, elder.  Sy-ai.  Ne-sy-ai.  Ke-sy-ai.  O-sy-ai.
+The inflection iss, in this declension, is a superadded syllable of endearment; it is also often put to the word for son.

Transcription Notes:
I would like to have instructions on how to transcribe lists such as this to make the final review and formatting go more smoothly for reviewers and approvers!