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[[page number in top right corner]]  11

                        page 5

16 inišänāpīt  and he looked there

17 ōmäwín  this way 

   pitcinäkAk  it moved towards him

18 initäh│otä  his heart then it

   mēsēnōmik  whale                                                      

                        page 6

 1 nahau  well then  
   näsīmäsAk  my little brothers  
 2 kināpi  we are dead

   nahau  well then  

   nināwᵃ  I 

 3 [[strikethrough]] ni hotot m n [[/strikethrough]] 

   kōtcītAmᵃ  I [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] will try

   AsAkAtäwᵃ  so that
 4 pimātisēyA  that we may live 

   iniwínpi  then it was
 5 ōtāsēkAn  his knife

   nahau  then 

   näsēmäsAk  my little brothers