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tells the story that Judge Perote
him in my presence
                                             Oct 19th

 1 Maitcōy- AskisitäwätAk inisnīkōtes,aiyawis

 2 kēsikō kēsmawatcihäwᵃ ōtōs'kīnenīAmAn
           ˏ                   ˏ
 3 kēsmamawāwᵃ ōnāsōtämAk AskAtäwᵃ
         ˏ    ˏ
 4 ōsētukūᴬ Akēwⁱ mīnés AkōwēkApōwēwAk
 5 kēsēwAk nAháwᵃ kinAhāwīnōn ōsītoyum
 6 mines