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[[left margin]] 40 [[/left margin]]

April 11

Check 732s on home map.

732s - Waagenoceras and Popanoceras found by Furnish, et al.

732z - Ammonite bed about 2' thick crumbly smooth argillaceous ls. Above it is much shattered bituminous ls. 3 - 4', some hard ls about 2' followed by yellow shale capping small hill

Under the 2' bed of ammonites is 4 feet of yellow shale ^[[chert]] which separates the ammonites from the top of the Road Canyon.

[[image:  left margin geologic column as follows]]

yel shale    | 2'   [[blue]] N [[/blue]]
4'           | lenses of ls [[blue]] M [[/blue]]
2'           | 733f  [[blue]] L [[/blue]]
platy Sil sh | 5' ?  [[blue]] K [[/blue]]
Fus          | ls, 2' 733e [[blue]] J [[/blue]]
platy sh     | 4' [[blue]] I [[/blue]]
Fus ls.      | 3' 733d  [[blue]] H [[/blue]]
Shale        |
20'          |
chert        | [[blue]] G [[/blue]]
Yellow       |
sh & bit     | 22' [[blue]] E [[/blue]]
platy ls     |
Platy        | 7' [[blue]] E [[/blue]]
sandy ls.    |
Massive      | 3' 733c [[blue]] D [[/blue]]
Fus. ls      |
gray         |  35' [[blue]] C [[/blue]]
shale        |
Fus. Ls.     |  3' 733b [[blue]] B [[/blue}}
gray         |  30' [[blue]] A [[/blue]]
shale        |


733b - Fusuline ls. 3' thick with Megonsia.

733d - Fusulina bosei[[guess]] and may be upper part of
Hills to southwest seem to have same sequence

733e  north side hill top with platy siliceous rock above the ls.

733f - 2' crumbly shale with ammonite same as 732z
4' beds above 733f have loose fusulines at top, lime lenses with sponges and lenses of fine grained gray (bituminous) ls.