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[[circled]] 41 [[circled]]

Above yellow shale is long slope to a high knob - shale for 0.2 mile. Then ss in slope for about 30' vertical. This is followed by softer shale for perhaps 40' which contains occasional lenses with tarry surfaces. This is followed by ss for 27'. This is followed by shale for 50' and then ss (more massive) for 33'.

733g - Collected by G. Wilde - from bituminous concretions. 

Knobs of ss lie between hill with 733b-g and hill 732t, u. Some of the ss contain Perrinites

In morning we visited 732s locality and all agree that it is well up in the Word. The small knob on the west side of hill 4861 are mostly in sandstone. In some of the sandstones Perrinites was seen by Furnish and students. The low hill almost due west of 4861 contained two beds of ls separated by soft shale and was definitely upper Cathedral Mtn. The hill is capped by Road Canyon and this is corroborated