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[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] March 17 Left Washington on flight 157 (TWA) and landed in Albuquerque at about 2 P.M. about 1/2 hour late. Picked up car and boxes and went on to Socorro. Visited Flowers in evening. Went to Van Horn for night on the next day. On the 17th of March arrived in Marathon at noon. Went out to Dugout Mtn. Visited locality 733j. Unable to get more of the Cescinophora[[??]] bed. This is a fine bioherm with detrital beds wrapped over it. [[margin]]739g =[[/margin] ]M1767 - a small bioherm near bottom of Sullivan Peak member contains Scacclinella [[??]]. This is about 100 yards west of the 733j locality. March 18 [[margin]]737b[[/margin]] M1867 - Beds with Waagenoceras [[??]] and other Word fossils a few feet under the Cretaceous [[margin]]737c[[/margin]] M 1867[[superscript]]1[[/superscript]] - Smooth black ls weathering into lumps with Ammontes & Fusulines. Lumps weather ash gray contain ammonites: Paraceltites and ammonites with fine revolving lines. Same as seen with [[Furnish?]] and forming top of Road Canyon.