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[[circled]] 18 [[/circled]]
March 25 - Section next to ravine
[[sketch of geologic column in left margin]]
3'=======| E
         | D
 | | | | |
         | C
 | | | | |
30'      | B = Chert
         | Breccia

About 30' of heavy-bedded chert above gravel, boulder bed of Breccia zone. Contains lenses of ls. one about 20' above base with Xestosia. Heavy chert with lenticular ls. at top. With ammonites
C = 40+- Thin-bedded shale & chert with thin ls at top 3' +-?
D - 40' of [[insert]] paper [[/insert]] thin bedded sh with occasional ss bed, none very thick.
E - About 50' dark gray calcarenite with few fossils and these mostly broken. Some dark chert. Occasional Richtofenids.

Above E comes cherty brown, thick bedded siliceous rock with papery siliceous  shale. 20' + 100 paces = 250' + 20' more to a biohermal layer with considerable sand - makes a hump. E estimated at 160' - Upper part E is sandstone.
F = hump at 20'+-? This might be Cretaceous.