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   GOLD MEDAL. - Presented to Joseph Francis in the blue room of the Executive Mansion, by the President, on April 12, 1890.
    Joint resolution in recognition of the services of Joseph Francis.
   Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in view of the life-long services to humanity and to his country of the now venerable Joseph Francis, in the construction and perfection of life-saving appliances by which many thousands of lives have been saved, the Director of the Mint is hereby authorized and required to strike a gold medal, with a suitable device and inscription, prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, to be presented by the President of the United States to Mr. Francis, in recognition of his eminent services.
   SEC. 2.  That a sufficient sum of money to carry this resolution into effect is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
   Approved, August 27, 1888.

GOLD AND DIAMOND BOX. - Presented to Joseph Francis by Napoleon III, Emperor of France, on February 4, 1856, in recognition of his life-saving appliances.
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