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From Lewis Johnson & Co., Washington, D.C., Hungarian paper money, issued at BudaPest, September 1, 1848. 

From J.P. Klinges, Philadelphia, Pa., postage stamps of the Confederate States.

From Oliver S. League, Annapolis, Md., cross-bow found under the floor of Col. Wilmot's house in Annapolis, built in the 17th century.

From Thomas Marron, Washington, D.C., autograph letter of Postmaster General Amos Kendall, October 26, 1838.

From Col. Marshall McDonald, Washington, D.C., military publications and manuscript records pertaining to Confederate States.

From Mrs. N.V.D. Miller, reprints of wall-paper edition of Vicksburg Daily Citizen, July 2-4, 1863, and reprint of Ulster County Gazette, January 4, 1800.

From Theodore A. Mills, Washington, D.C., Commission of Clark Mills as Lieutenant of Cavalry in 1853 signed by President Franklin Pierce and Sec-