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Multiply 257 Feet 9 Inches by 54 Feet 11 Inches?
            Feet  Inches
             257"   9
              54"  11
            1028"   0
            1285"   0  Parts
             128"  10" 6
              64"   5" 3
              42"  11" 6
              27"   0" 0
              13"   6" 0
           14154"   9" 3 Ans:

2nd Feet Inches & Parts into Feet Inches & Parts. Let 9 Feet 7 Inches 9 Parts be multiply'd by 4 Feet Inches 3 Parts.
          Feet  Inches  Parts
           9"     7"      9
           4"     5"      3
          38"     7"      0  Seconds
           4"     0"      2"    9     Thirds
                  2"      4"   11"     3
          42"     9"      7"    8"     3Ans:

Transcription Notes:
only made one change in the first set of figures. changed to 14154 (was 141154) and also notated where lines were drawn