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Take a long pipe of 8 or 10 feet heigh as M N (in ye following figure at ye second rule marked 2) as well polished and as equal within as we can, full of water wch sustain with ones finger and permitt it to run on ye suddain upon ye rule Q R near ye point R, wch rule serving as a balance ought to be Horizontal and supported by ye other end upon a common support as O V, and that point R ought to be distant only 5 or 6 lines from ye base of ye pipe thrô wch ye water runs;  that is to say a line more than ye thickness of ye finder wch sustains ye water;  then if at ye other extream Q there is a weight Q smaller by one 4th or one 5th, [[strikethrough]] than ye weight Q smaller by [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] than ye weight of all ye water of ye cylinder, ye weight Q shall not be elevated at ye beginning of ye fall of ye water althô it seems that all ye water weighs upon R;  but only when ye pipe shall be allmost void, whence we see that they are only ye first parts of ye water that make ye impression, and that when they go out very slowly as they go out at ye begining of their fall, they can elevate but a weight less than ye weight of ye whole cylinder:  but that when they have acquired a great swiftness in falling from ye height M, those wch remain elevated by their shock that wch ye first could not elevate by their small shock at ye begining of their fall.  But if we elevate ye same pipe 2 or 3 feet above R and that we leave ye water at ye bottom of only one such heigh, if ye pipe is 7 or 8 lines large, it will make less impression in falling upon R to elevate a weight in Q, than a bullet of wax or wood less heavy than its halfe falling ye like height;  whence we see that ye bullet makes its impression by all its parts and ye water of an inch heigh only by shock of most near to ye [[strikethrough]] water [[/strikethrough]] first surface wch strikes ye ballance, and wch are a little aided by ye further distant, wch run a side for althô ye water doth not act in its dashing by all its parts, and that it is difficult to determine to what height of ye water we ought to take them;  it is however very probable that ye first wch fall act ye most, and that those wch are a little heigher to 2 or 3 lines, a little less, and so to 5 or 6 lines as it would happen to 5 or 6 small grains of sand contigous one ye other A E F D B falling upon a rule G H from a certain height not being all ye same perpendicular line, ye 2 D and B do nevertheless contribute to ye shock of ye first a little, although they do not do it will all their weight and all their swiftness, not being in ye same line of direction ye heigher A G F contribute also a little and make that ye rule shall be stroke more strongly than if there had been only B & D.

[[image:  drawing of a vertical rectangle divided into two squares, top line G, dividing line L, bottom line H. Below the rectangle is a horizontal, three dimensional base G H.  On the base are six small cirles (balls?) arranged in an inverted triangle (3, 2, 1) labeled A E F (top three) and D B (next 2).]]

[[?Now]] ye water being composed of an infinite number of very small continuous corpuscles very much smaller than ye small rains of sand, which roll and glide easily one against ye other, a small cylinder of water as G H shall give a little greater shock than a less L H, since three is nmore of ye small particles placed indirectly one upon ye other in ye height G H than in ye lesser L H.


The water wch spouts out at ye bottom of a [[strikethrough]] necessa [[/strikethrough]] reservatory by some small round hole, makes an equilibrium by its shock with a weight equall to ye weight of cylinder of water wch hath for its base that hole;  and for ye height that from ye center at ye hole of ye upper surface of ye water.

Transcription Notes:
mandc: Added more detailed image descriptions. Corrected some of the letter designations with the help of the following diagrams from the Desaguliers translation: 1. 2.