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[[five column table]]
|   |Nomb|Primos|Seconds|Thirds|
|   |[[strikethrough]]Nomb|Primos|Thirds][[/strikethrough]]
|R1| 1|   |   |   |
|R4|2|   |   |   |
|R9|3|   |   |   |
|R16|4|   |   |   |
[[/five column table]]

  Now if we take ye summ of ye 12 first numbers, it is something more than 29, and 12 times ye 12th number viz 3462 gives a product something greater than 415 and by consequence that summ wch is ye parabola is greater than 2/3 of ye product wch is ye rectangle: but if we take ye 24 numbers we shall find something less than 79 for ye parabola, and ye product of ye half 4899 by 24 [[strikethrough]] numbers [[/strikethrough]] is something more than 117 where of ye 2/3 is 78 and so ye summ of ye 24 numbers doth not differ from 2/3 of ye product but aboute an unite and it approacheth nearer than when we take ye 12 first numbers, and if we continue to increase ye table by a greater number of divisions, ye difference of that summ and ye product will diminish always, so that we may judge it would at last come to be precisely 2/3

  We see also that if we take ye 6 numbers from ye middle of twelve, if they do [[?surpass]] ye summ of 3 first and ye 3 last together, and that ye summ of ye 6 first and ye 6 last of 24, shall be less than ye summ of 12 of ye middle wch ought necessarily to happen and may be demonstrated in this manner:

  The extremes of ye Squares of numbers wch are in an arithmeticall

Transcription Notes:
mandc: makes absolutely no sense to me. Need mathematician help.