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We may also push a spout very heigh according to ye following method.  Take a cylindrick vessel of copper A B C round of 2

[[image:  Three dimensional drawing of a pump with handle M O N, plunger N Q in casing D E F, intake valve G, commected to a domed vessel A B C with two liquid S levels R (upper) and P (lower); intake from pump at H, and goose-neck outlet I L pointed upwards.]]

feet height and of 8 inches large, placed and firmly fastned to a plane of wood or iron have at ye side a syringue or body of a pump D E F with his sucker N Q, and a [[space]] below, as is ordinarily in pumps and that ye sucker descending with ye force of a man or two makes by its compression ye water to enter into ye vessel thrô ye pipe G H furnished with a [[space]] in H, put at ye side of ye hollow cylinder or vessel another pipe I L bending upwards where there is a passage of 12 lines at its extremity L;  if we moreover fit to two sides of ye vessel 2 other pumps like to that above, we may make a great quantity of water enter.  Ye suckers may be fastened to ye ends of a lever as N to have ye more force being joyned to a support in O:  When we shall play ye suckers by ye means of ye leaves, ye water will enter into ye vessel A B C, and will pass at ye beginning with a moderate force into ye pipe I L, but in continuance we shall push so much water that it canot all go out through ye passage L;  then it will be elevated as unto P and will condense ye air inclosed in ye top of ye vessel;  and if we push ye water with greater force it will mount heigher;  as MR condensing ye air more and more;  and when it shall be 8 times more than ordinary condensed, it will press ye R S H I to make it go out thrô I L as if there was 7 times 32 foot of water above H I, that is 224 foot, wch would make a spout of water thrô ye hole L of more than 120 foot heigh.  But it is necessary that ye 2 pumps be able to furnish water enough;  for ye passage L of 12 lines will depend more than 64 inches.

Transcription Notes:
mandc: Reviewed and amended image description. Corrected letter designations (Q not Z, I not J etc.). The letter J did not exist in the alphabet until the medieval period, so our scribe may not have had or used both I and J, thus the confusion. The blank space in the text was left for adding the word for "valve."