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[[circled]] ^[[ of the ]] STATUE OF LIBERTY.

[[Horizontal line]] [[/circled]]

^[[2]] Original plaster model ^[[ circled area above]] from which was cast the bronze statue surmounting the dome of the United States Capitol.

[[Horizontal line ]]

^[[ This model was ]] Made in Rome, Italy, by Thomas Crawford, American Sculptor[[strikethrough]];[[/strikethrough]] ^[[(]]
 born 1814, died 1857[[strikethrough]].[[/strikethrough]]^[[)]] 
 ^[[ and the ]] Bronze ^[[ was ]] cast by Clark Mills,^[[in]] Washington,
1860 [[strikethrough]]. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[;]]^[[ line leading from here to the word "Height" below]]

Height, 19 feet 6 inches.

[[strikethrough]] Deposited in the US National Museum by the Architect of the Capitol, 1890. [[/strikethrough]]