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United States, [[strikethrough]] and of [[/strikethrough]] also eminent soldiers, statesmen, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethough]] explorers, ^[[and inventors,]] men ^[[eminent for]] scientific attainments etc. 
The large collections of relics of [[strikethrough]] Pres [[/strikethrough]] Washington and Grant have acted as strong magnets to attract other accessions to this department so that there are now ^[[exhibited]] relics of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, ^[[Van Buren, Harrison,]] Jackson, Lincoln among the Presidents, of [[strikethrough]] Franklin Fulton, [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Elliot, Ripple, Perry,]] Grant, Hancock, Paul, Harney, Shields and other prominent soldiers and sailors; of ^[[Benjamin]] Franklin, ^[[Moses, Vail, Whitney]] Fulton, Sir John Franklin, [[strikethrough]] Vail, [[/strikethrough]] Kane, Livingston, and other eminent scientists, inventors and explorers.