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5.  The Formation of the French Constitution. By Professor ADOLPHE COHN, Harvard University.
6.  Karl Follen and the Liberal Student Movement in Germany from 1815 to 1819. By Professor KUNO FRANCKE, Harvard University.
7. Bismarck as the Typical German. By WILLIAM G. TAYLOR, Esq., of New York City.

[[strikethrough]] Mr. and Mrs. William D. Cabell extend a cordial invitation to the members of the American Historical Association, and the ladies accompanying them, for Tuesday afternoon, December 30, from 4 to 6 o'clock. 1407 Massachusetts Avenue. [[/strikethrough]]

Columbian University, 8 p.m.
III. American Constitutional History [[/centered]]
1.  How the Written Ballot came into the United States. By DOUGLAS CAMPBELL, Esq., New York City.
2.  A Virginia Bill of Attainder. The Case of Josiah Phillips. By Professor WILLIAN P. TRENT, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.
3.  Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. By HERMAN V. AMES, A. M., Harvard Graduate School.
4.  Presidential Protests. By EDWARD CAMPBELL MASON, A. B., Harvard Law School.
5.  Responsible Government in Canada. By Dr. J. G. BOURINOT, C. M. G., Clerk of Canadian House of Commons.
6.  Bills of Right in State Constitutions. (Abstract). By General R. D. MUSSEY, Washington, D. C.

National Museum, 10.30 a.m.
IV. American Economic History.
1.  The Historical Development of the Budget in the United States. By EFRAIM D. ADAMS, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
2.  The Yazoo Land Companies. By Dr. CHARLES H. HASKINS, University of Wisconsin.
3.  State Activities and Politics. By W. F. WILLOUGHBY, U. S. Department of Labor.
4.  Slavery in New York. By EDWIN V. MORGAN, A. B., Harvard Graduate School.
5.  Slavery in the District of Columbia : the Policy of Congress and the Struggle for Abolition. By MARY TREMAIN, A. M. Paper to be read by Professor GEORGE E. HOWARD, University of Nebraska.
