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The Second [[strikethrough]] Annual [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Official]] Report of the Association was transmitted to the Smithsonian Institution on February 25, 1891.  It was submitted to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Congress]] by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution on Feb 26 ^[[and]] on ^[[the following day00 [[strikethrough]] February 27 1891 it was [[/strikethrough]] The Senate ordered it to be printed.  [[strikethrough]] It was Part of [[/strikethrough]]  It was partly in type before the close of the fiscal year [[strikethrough]] forming [[/strikethrough]] ^[[and will be published as]] Senate Miscellaneous Document No.83, 51st Congress, 2d session.
The report [[strikethrough]] contains [[/strikethrough]] will be about 275 octavo pages and contains
1.  Report of Proceedings at the Annual Meeting December 29-31, 1890
2.  Inaugural Address of John Jay