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[[strikethru]] "[[/strikethru]] XXIII. The Secret corresponding Vocabulary adapted for use to Morse's Electro Magnetic Telegraph and also in conducting written correspondence transmitted by mail or otherwise, by Francis O. J. Smith, Portland, Maine, 1845. (2 copies).

[[strikethru]] "[[/strikethru]] XXIV. American Telegraph for Day and Night Communication. Invented by Henry J. Rogers. Plates, Baltimore, June, 1841.

[[strikethru]] "[[/strikethru]] XXV. Two rolls containing--

No. 1. Drawings and explanations of Cooke and Wheatstone's Electro Telegraph, London.

Drawings of Charles S. Buckley's Double-acting Telegraphic Reporter, patented Nov. 12th, 1850.

American Code of Signals, Designed by Henry J. Rogers, Baltimore, 1841.

No. 2. Copy from Patent Office Records of Royal E. House's Specifications of Improvements in Magnetic Printing Telegraphs, April 18th, 1846, with copies of drawings."