Viewing page 6 of 66

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Greater yellow legs
Lesser " [[Ditto for: yellow legs]]
Cathartes aura
" [[Ditto for: Cathartes]] atrata
Corvus americanus
Ceryle alcyon
Taccinite bicolor
Chelidon erythrogaster
Progne subis
Chimney swift

[[underline]] April 7 Iowa Station [[/underline]]
Ardea herodias  1
Bartramia [[strikethrough]] semipalmata 3 [[/strikethrough]] 5

[[underlined]] April 8 [[/underlined]]
Little Blue Heron, 1 in trees
Icteria galbula
Quails 12
Driobates villosus ? 2
" [[Ditto for: Driobates]]
Colaptes auritus, digging nest hole
Vireo  ? 1 sp.
Sciurus  2
Sitta pusilla
Mniotelta varia

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Geothlypis trichis  2
" [[Ditto for: Geothlypis]] formosus, 
Spizilla socialis

[[underlined]] Mounds [[/underlined]] - 2 to 4 feet high, 30 to 60 feet wide, 10 or 12 to an acre. all over prairie

Transcription Notes:
Driobates villosus = Dryobates villosus Kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] - @siobhanleachman Taccinite bicolor probably Tachycineta bicolor (tree swallow) @nounandverber Geothlypis trichis = Geothlypis trichas (@SiobhanLeachman)