Viewing page 27 of 66

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 19 [[/underlined]] 1800
[[underlined]] Left San Angelo [[/underlined]] 8
Amphispiza bilineata
Icterus bullocki
[[line across page]]
"If PDs were called by right name wouldnt be a damned one left" - Stage Driver
[[line across page]]

Myiarchus cinerescens
[[underlined]] May 20 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sterling [[/underlined]] 2400
Callipepla squamosa 3
Corvus [[strikethrough]] americanus [[/strikethrough]] cryptoleucos 1 
Otocoris  2

[[underlined]] 13 mi [[/underlined]]  2650
Melenerpes carolinensis 2
Driobates s. bairdi  2
Geococcyx  1
Calamospiza  2

[[underlined]] Colorado [[/underlined]] 6 2400

[[underlined]] Big Springs [[/underlined]] 8:30  2700

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Sterling [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Colorado [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] May 20 Flowers [[/underlined]]
Argemony platycerus

Salvia  tall blue
Acacia rameriana 
Mimosa fragrans
[[Colesgina?]] ?
Aesclep odora
Opuntia engelmani
" [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] - dark center
Berlanderia texana )
a [[compact?]] plant    )
" [[Ditto for: Oenothera]]
" [[Ditto for: Cassia]] 
Melampodium cinerea  white
Actinella  yellow
Hustonia white
" [[Ditto for: Hustonia]]  pink
Physostachia ? labiate, fragrant 
Convolvulus  2
Evolvulus  1

Transcription Notes:
Opened and tried again at the other [[?]] but with no such luck! Think the [[compact?]] may be correct but am not confident enough to take it out of brackets. What do others think? -@siobhanleachman Checked species names but really struggling with these pages. I've put anything I'm unsure of (and there is quite a bit) in [[?]]. See notes below for some. -@siobhanleachman [resolved and/or took a stab at the stuff below-@nounandverber] The 180? looks like it may have another digit after the first 0. [I think it must be for 1800 feet--@nounandverber] [[Aeschpolara?]] - I'm struggling with this one. Actinella = Vernon might mean Senecio actinella? Anstonia = Vernon might mean Ansonia? Am really unsure of [[Phyrastachia?]] lapiate. Crameria = sandbur