Viewing page 41 of 66

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] June 14 ; Up El Capitas 
Camp [[/underlined]] - 8: 30  6350
Sialia mexicana 1
Bubo heard
Megascops " [[Ditto for: heard]]

Parus gambeli  6800
Piranga ludovicianus 1 " [[Ditto for: 6800]]
Habia melanocephala  8000
Tamias " [[Ditto for: 8000]]
Celapsis melanoleucas
Taccinita thalarina
Junco  9500
Dendrica andubori  10000
Colaptes cafer 2 4500 - 8000
Picocarvus  2
Pipilo arctosa  8  7500

[[underlined]] June 15 [[/underlined]]
Sayorius 2

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] June 16 [[/underlined]] Camp 10.  6200
Dipodomys spec. - 6000
Quercus virginiana, 6000 - 
Juniperus  oc.  " [[Ditto for: 6000]] - 
" [[Ditto for: Juniperus]] pl. - " [[Ditto for: 6000]] -
Circacarpus " [[Ditto for: 6000]] -
Aesclepias " [[Ditto for: 6000]] - 6000
Acacia [[rameroma?]]  5500 -
" [[Ditto for: Acacia]] fragrans - 5500
Chilopsis  - " [[Ditto for: 5500]]
Celtis   - " [[Ditto for: 5500]]
Yucca glauca  - 6000
 + baccata  - 7000
Nolema  - 7000
Juglans  - 6000
Shin oak  - 5500

[[underlined]] Cedar Point [[/underlined]]  - 5200
Atriplex canescens - " [[Ditto for: 5200]]
Amphaspiza ?  - 5200
[[Lyassianus?]]  - 5000
[[underlined]] [[Trux Chenronicus?]]  [[/underlined]] 5500

Camp on prairie  4950

Transcription Notes:
Checked species, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I"m unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman This page is also imaged and transcribed in page 39 of this project. Any edits to transcriptions should therefore also be reflected on that page -@siobhanleachman