Viewing page 57 of 66

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Aug. 9
Weaverville [[/underlined]] 10. 2200
[[underlined]] Diedrick [[/underlined]] 2500
22 mi.
[[underlined]] Aug. 10 [[/underlined]] Camp. 9. 2500
up Canyon Creek  10 mi
[[underlined]] Meadows [[/underlined]] 1 PM 4600
Camp.  [[strikethrough]] 5750 [[/strikethrough]] 4600
[[underlined]] Lake [[/underlined]] 4 mi  5750
Ceryle alcyon 1
Falco sparverius
Driobates harrisi
Colaptes cafer 
Oreospiza chlorurus
Melospiza lincolni 5600 feet
Piranga ludov
Turdus  (w. skin)
Certhia  com.
Helminyhophila  c. lutesens (W. skin) 
Geothlypis macgilvrayi
Winter wren
Contopus borealis
Contopus richardsoni
Spinus pinus
Oreortyx plumifera, a family 6000 ft.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 15 [[/underlined]] up to Lakes
Myeadestes townsendi 
Passerina securema  1 at 6700 feet
Troglodytes  1 6000 feet
25 Accipites velox.
Phalropus hyperborcus 1 

[[underlined]] Aug. 18 [[/underlined]] C.H.M arrived on " [[Ditto for: Aug]] 20

[[underlined]] Aug. 23 [[/underlined]] Hig - & W.F. left

[[underlined]] Aug. 26. [[/underlined]] Down to lower meadow 4 mi.

[[underlined]] Aug. 27. [[/underlined]] To Dedrick - 8 mi.
to Junction  13 mi.

[[underlined]] Aug. 28 [[/underlined]] to Hay Fork 20 mi.

[[underlined]] Aug. 29 [[/underlined]] to Post Ranch 12 mi.

[[underlined]] Aug. 30 [[/underlined]] 
To South Fork
To Mad R. to Anada,
Campedon Hobart Cr.  15

[[underlined]] Sep. [[overwritten]] 1 [[/overwritten]] 2 [[/underlined]] To Van Duzen R
Camped near mouth of little [[Van?]] -
14 mi.

Transcription Notes:
C.H.M = Clinton Hart Merriam Weaverville - I think the last letter is an e as it looks like he ran out of ink on the final stroke of this letter or lifted the pen then came back to forming the letter. I'm also not sure about the 90 - I think he may have started writing 9 and then overwrote that with 10. Also at end of last page it looks like "near mouth" to me. -@siobhanleachman