Viewing page 6 of 38

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Austin [[/underlined]] April 10

Ammodramus  com.
Chondestes " [[Ditto for: com.]]
Zonotrichia  3
Progne subis  com
Phaleanoptilus 1 ?
Zenaidura 6
Catherpes com
Mimus pollyglottis abn
Cardinalis com
Scissortail abn
Falco sparverius 1
Cathartes com
Catheristes " [[Ditto for: com]]
Parus bicolor
Thryothorus carolinensis
Troglodytes parkmani ?
Cyanocitta com
Ampelus cedrorum 12, & 6
Polioptila  heard
Colaptes  heard

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] April 11

Left Austin [[/underlined]] 1.25 P.M.

Open prairie, good land, corn & cotton
Scrubby woods along creeks, Elm oaks, a few mesquites & cactus
Doves & plover abn.

[[underlined]] Guadelupe [[/underlined]] River
[[underlined]] Braunfels [[/underlined]]
More mesquite & cactus, & chapperal, & junipers, all the way to San Antonio
Masses of flowers.
Corn well up, cotton just planted. 

[[underlined]] San Antonio [[/underlined]] 6 8 SW

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - If Susiew22 sees this thank for your help! Vernon's writing is NOT easy. Feel free to tweet me at the above handle or leave notes here if you want to discuss anything. Megshu is also working on this with us. @siobhanleachman - took Catheristes out of [[?]] as it looked like that to me & Vernon has previously transcribed it like that, and also think [[?]] on the second page after Doves is "Plover".