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Roll No 7

1. Ditch in Juarez  May 27.
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 1. [[/strikethrough]] 2. & 3. [[/underlined]]
Ft. Bliss
4 - 10, Yuccas & distant Mts. between El Paso & Alamogordo.
11 & 12 - Sacramento Mts.
[[underlined]] Roll 8 [[/underlined]] Cloud Croft.
1 - 2. from train going up. May 28
3 - 6 from Scenic Point, 2 across [[insertion]] May 29 [[/insertion]] valley with Playa, 2 of timber slopes
7 - 9. spoiled by exposure
10 - 12, Pseudotsuga & poplars near camp.
[[underlined]] Roll No. 9 [[/underlined]]
Red squirrel cone seeds piles & forest trees at Cloudcroft. May 31

[[underlined]] Roll No. 10 [[/underlined]]
Thomomys. Cloudcroft

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Roll No 4 [[/underlined]]
1 & 2. Comstock, May 18. 
Agava, [[Nolma?]], yucca.
3 & 4. Pecos Canyon
5. nest of Vireo atricapillus
6 High bridge
7 Fouqueria
8. Agava texensis
9. Fouqueria
10. Fouqueria, slope
11. Dasylerion
12. Agave & yucca slope
[[underlined]] Roll 5 (old roll) [[/underlined]]
1 - [[overwritten]] 7 [[/overwritten]] 8 Sayornis nest. Alpine M 24.
9. Swallow nest
10-12. Judge Brockenbeoms house & mts. back of it.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] Roll 6 [[/underlined]] Alpine May 24
1. Opuntia arborescens & cliff
2 & 3. N from peak back of ranch.
4. Rough peak back of ranch
5. Juniper, Yucca, [[Nolema?]] & prairie
6. 2 small Arbutus tree
7. big yucca
8. Juglans rupestris tree
9. Yucca in fruit
10. Rock peak back of ranch
11. Highest peak we climbed
12. Sayornis on branch.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Not sure of Nolma in Agava, [[Nolma?]], yucca. and in 5. Juniper, Yucca, [[Nolema?]] & prairie -@siobhanleachman