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With postcard dated 3/3/30.

[[double underlined]] List of Lissonotae & Banchides sent to Dr. Roman [[/double underlined]], Feb. 1930.
[[underlined]] Nrs [[/underlined]] wanted [[underlined]] underlined [[/underlined]]. A.Rm.

[[strikethrough]] 1. & 2. [[/strikethrough]] = 89 [[checkmark]] & 90. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] L. parallela [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] Brittas Bay, WI. 7.8.1929.
This [[female symbol]] is the blackest specimen I have taken!

[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 91 [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] L. irrigua [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] nitida [[/underlined] ? [[female symbol]] Cahore, WX. 15.7.1929.
To judge from descriptions, both ought to be the same species, but I have nothing of this short-tailed species.
[[strikethrough]] 4. [[/strikethrough]] 92 [[checkmark]] L. sp.? [[female symbol]] might be a freak of [[underlined]] L. bellator [[/underlined]] but unlike any other specimen I have seen. Kilcarry, CW. 25.7.1927.
Might be a var. of [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] Hgn, but I am not quite sure the abd. is normal.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 5. [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] 6. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 
93 [[checkmark]] & 94. [[checkmark]][[underlined]] L. deverson [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] & [[male symbol]]. Deputy's Pass, WI. 19.7 & 24.7.1929.
I think they are L. palpalis Thu, though having never before seen the species, I may be mistaken. Palpalis [[male symbol]] undescribed.
[[strikethrough]] 7. [[/strikethrough]] 95 [[checkmark]] L. sp.? [[female symbol]] (Cf. [[underlined]] L. varicoxa [[/underlined]]). Clone, WX. 17.7.1927.

[[strikethrough]] 8. [[/strikethrough]] 96 [[checkmark]] L. sp.? [[female symbol]] (Cf. [[underlined]] L. humerella [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Upper Liffey, WI. 2.9.1927. [[/strikethrough]] Rathdrum WI. 8.7.1926. [[/strikethrough]]
7 & 8 are the same species, L. buccator Thunb. The 1st abd'l segm. is somewhat different in both, but this is accidental; I have seen it before in L. carbonaria & melania, who are also the same species.
[[strikethrough]] 9. [[/strikethrough]] 97 [[checkmark]] L. sp. ? [[female symbol]]. Upper Liffey, WI. 2.9.1927.
L. buccator Thbg, too.
[[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 98 [[checkmark]] L. sp. ? [[male symbol]]. Glen of Imaal, WI. 31.7.1927.
A melanistic [[male symbol]] of L. errabunda Hgn (compared with types).