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9th May 1929.  A glorious morning, but dull & cold after noon where I was.  Very strong cold E. wind in afternoon!  
Drove to Wexford & spent 1 1/2 hours in the sand-pit at N. end of the wooden bridge.  
Saw some species as on 3rd visit with the addition of [[underlined]] Andrena wilkella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] very fresh & think I saw a [[female symbol]].  Still no sign of [[underlined]] A. carbonaria [[/underlined]] though bees were very active for some time after I arrived & before the sun was obscured by clouds.
Two spp. of icks, very common in sand pit & two small spp. taken in water on arrival.
In afternoon drove home via Blackwater & Courtown & [[strikethrough]] collected [[/strikethrough]] stopped at several places but only caught anything in a marsh S. of Blackwater, where I took two [[2 male symbols]] sandflies at willows & 2 icks.  [[margin]] ([[underlined]] Pontania [[/underlined]] sp.?) [[line]] see R.C.L.P. notes of 5/2/30. [[/margin]]
Took [[underlined]] Ornithopus perpusillus [[/underlined]] in sand pit N. of Blackwater

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10th May 1929.  Turning warm it rained all morning but cleared in afternoon.  Drove home to Dublin, but stopped at Greystones to get motor jobs done & collected for a few minutes amongst alders in Delgany channel below Glen of the Downs, WI.  [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Apianteles [[/strikethough]] Braconid Sigalphus [[/underlined]] sp.? [[2 male symbols]] x Very abundant on Alder leaves.  
Also 1 or 2 spp. of icks.

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12th May 1929.  A fine day with showers (hail &c.) & cool strong winds from W & NW.  Sun very hot [[underlined]] when out. [[/underlined]]  Drove to "asker" at [[strikethrough]] Long Hill [[/strikethrough]] Newtown Low,  2 3/4 miles West of Tyrrell's Pass, Co. Westmeath (WH), where collected amongst scrub on SW slope of moraine from 1 pm till 3.15 during which time there was considerable sun but several showers.
Saw [[underlined]] Bombus lucorum, hortorum [[/underlined]] (1) & [[underlined]] agrorum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Andrena jacobi [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] ?, [[underlined]] A. albicans [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]], [[underlined]] A. subopaca [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]], [[underlined]] H. calceatus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] albipes [[/underlined]]
continued over leaf [[arrow pointing right]]

Co. WH.  A.W.S.