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17th Nov. 1929.  With ASU.  Walked form Old Bawn up Glenasmole by Corrig Brook, round Seecawn & back via Butter Mt. Ballymorefin Hill & Slievebawnoge.  Deep [[insertion]] ^ dry [[/insertion]] snow above 1,500 ft.  Fine Day.

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24th Nov. 1929.  Drove Art O'Murnaghan & EOM to Athy, stopping to inspect Dun Aillen & for lunch at Mot of Ardskull, where EO'M took 1 small Proctotypid in tea cup;  home via Maganey, Boltinglass & Hollywood Glen.  Fine day.

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1st Dec. 1929.  With ASU.  Walked from Enniskerry to Powerscourt Fall up east side Valley to Calary, thence to N shoulder of The Downs Hill & along E channels of Sugar Loaf to The Quill & to Bray.

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15th Dec. Greystown &c.
19th Dec. (?) Saw one [[virgin female symbol]] Vespa vulgaris at ivy blossom by the old mill race above Old Bairn!

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List of Ichneumonids & Braconids sent to Dr. A. Roman in Nov. 1929 (ret. Jan. 1930!) 
Serial numbers continued from vol. 2, p. 354!
No. 75. [[underlined]] Lissonota [[/underlined]] ? n. sp. [[female symbol]]. Liffey Head, 1700 ft. alt. Co. WI. 7.6.29.
= [[underlined]] L. magdalenae [[/underlined]] Pfankuch 1921 (Syn. [[underlined]] L. vernalis [[/underlined]] Roman 1924)." A.R.

No. 76. [[underlined]] Lissonota femorata [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Powerscourt Dpk. Co. WI. AMGwynn
8.8.1927. = "[[underlined]] L. beguttata [[/underlined]] Hgn. (Syn. [[underlined]] L. femorata [[/underlined]] Hgn. & probably [[underlined]] L. crassipes [[/underlined]] Thu.)." A.R.

No. 77 [[underlined]] Lissonota carbonaria [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. At [[underlined]] Salix cinerea [[/underlined]], Bahernabreena Co. Du. Miss Scott. 8.5.28.
= [[underlined]] L carbonaria [[/underlined]] Hgn. Carr has taken [[insertion]] ^ a [[female symbol]] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] at Lichfield." A.R.

No. 78. [[underlined]] Lissonota variabilis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Powerscourt, Co. WI. 10.9.1926. "Correct!" A.R.

No. 79. [[underlined]] Ephialtes tenuiventris [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. Clara, Co. WI. 19.5.1929. "Correct!" A.R. 

No. 80. [[underlined]] Ephialtes (tenuiventris [[/underlined]] ?) [[female symbol]] Meeting of the Waters, Arrea., Co. WI. 23.7.1927. = "Species unknown to me. Possibly [[underlined]] musculus [[/underlined]] (Krb.) Hab., but hind tibiae differently coloured, stigma too." A.R.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Minor corrections. Should be OK. @kdownunder