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17/[[overwritten]] 3 [[/overwritten]]4/31.
Amaur. viduatus [[male symbol]] Hal. fratellus [[female symbol]] ab. Blenn. subcana Poecilost. longicornis [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]]
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Rhogog. aucupariae  Poecil. ? sp [[male symbol]]. Lygaeo. mollis [[male symbol]] Blackish wings [[of?]] [[insertion]] ^ Nem. [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] fuscipennis [[/underlined]] but ought not to have pale pleura! [[checkmark]] 
[[insertion]] pleura yellow &c = [[underlined]] luteus [[/underlined]]. (about half way between luteus & fuscipennis on [[characters?]]) [[/insertion]]
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Pt. ferruginea [[male symbol]] Pt. ferruginea [[male symbol]] Emphytus pallipes. Ivy Pontania collectanea (or amaur. sp. near viduatus or viduatus var. [[checkmark]]
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Poecil. tridens 4  [[checkmark]]
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Poecil. tridens 4  [[checkmark]]
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Poecil. tridens 2 [[male symbol]]. A. [[underlined]] cameroni [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] dark var? or [[underlined]] Vittatus [[/underlined]] ? saw not visible. Pt. ribesii [[checkmark]]
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P. ribesii 2 [[female symbol]] saw should be examined. Pt. ferruginea [[male symbol]]. Blennocampa tenuicornis [[checkmark]]
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Am. fallax  A cameroni [[male symbol]]. Poecil. immersa [[male symbol]] [[?]] [[underlined]] liturata [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]]
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Pont. leucapsis [[female symbol]] Emphytus cinctus [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] Empa [[/strikethrough]] Poecil. [[male symbol]] one of the dubious forms referable to either liturata or some of the undulata group.  Pontania sp. [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]]
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Poecil. sp. antenna of longicornis group, [[subbibddaw?]]: clypeus like literata rather. Caliroa aethiops. Selandria morio. Cladius difformis [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]]
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Priophorus padi [[female symbol]] bad. Selandria flavens. S. serva, Thrinax macula [[female symbol]] | abnormal [[neuration?]][[checkmark]]
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Sel. stramineipes  Dineura virididorsata, Pt. myosotidis, Dineura testaceipes [[checkmark]]
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Pristiphora ruficornis Din. testaceipes var.  Sph. hyalinatus large Sph. ferrug [[male symbol]] [[arrow]] Emphytus pallipes [[checkmark]]
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2 D. [[vitens?]] ?? not metallic enough & [[neuration?]] not typical. [[checkmark]]
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