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1930 sawflies cont.

[[underlined]] Selandria morio [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Ennereilly, WI. 12.8.30.
[[underlined]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[/underlined]] orange form of [[female symbol]] (? n. sp. says RCLP.)
Phoenix Park, DU. 19-8-30.
[[underlined]] Amauronematus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & 2 [[2 female symbol]] of same series as that on p.1.
Dr. Perkins said these were either [[underlined]] vittatus [[/underlined]], or [[underlined]] cameroni [[/underlined]] var. or another species near these! He also gave me 3 [[2 male symbols]] of gramine [[underlined]] cameroni [[/underlined]] from material bred by him from larvae taken on Dartmore.

[[wavy line]]