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organization of the Museum.  This aim being of a  peculiar character, on the one hand and the notions held by the mass of the people concerning the nature and functions of art being, on the other, of the vaguest kind, it is often found difficult, even by persons interested in art, to grasp it.  The concisest way of stating it will be to say, that the aim of the Section of Graphic Arts is, to represent [[underlined]] art as an industry [[/underlined]].  This must not, however, be understood [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] as implying the application of art to industry.  The expression must be taken in its literal sense, as conveying the idea that art productions of all kinds, from the great frescos of the most distinguished painters [[strikethrough]] [[illegible words]] [[/strikethrough]] to the slightest illustration produced by the latest photo-mechanical process, are here to be considered, primarily from their material, that is to say, their technical side.  Art thus takes its place in the scheme of the Museum, side by side and on terms of equality with, the other great industries, - agriculture, the fisheries, mining, transportation, etc., etc. and the artist is recognized, not merely as an ornamental appendage whose useless labors may be