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$2,368.23, – mostly old prints and such tools, etc. as could not be obtained as gifts. Among these purchases (occasioned principally by the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition, at which the Section of Graphic Arts was represented by a special exhibition), there are some very fine and important examples of engraving and etching, such as Rembrandt's "Christ Preaching", known as "Le Petit La Tombe", B 67, certainly one of the most beautiful impressions of this [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] admirable plate in existence, very good impressions of Dürer's "St. Jerome in his Chamber," B 60, and "The Great Horse", B 97, a fine proof of Santeuil's "Pompone de Bellièvre," RD 37, a splendid proof, before the coat-of-arms, of Wille's "Satin Gown", I.e Bl 55, a subscriber's impression, before any of the later retouches, of Müller's "Madonna di S. Sisto", after Raphael, etc., etc.  It will be quite impossible to speak here at length of the many valuable gifts received during the period under review. Some idea

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1.) In this [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] statement the collection of photographs acquired before I was appointed, is not included, as it has not yet been registered.