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The time from January 1887 to February 1888 was given up wholly to the collecting of specimens and the preparation of cases. During the months of February and March 1888 these specimens were placed on exhibition on the western side of the North-West Hall. The content of the collection at that time and the arrangement adopted, are shown by the placard which was prepared for display in the hall and a copy of which is annexed to this report. [[strikethrough]] Appendix (exhibit) [[/strikethrough]] Part of the month of May, the month of June, and part of July of the same year were devoted to the preparation and installation of the exhibition of the Section of Graphic Arts at the Ohio Valley Centennial Exhibition at Cincinnati. To avoid the almost total depletion of the exhibition cases at the Museum the greater part of the specimens shown at this exhibition was borrowed for the purpose, and the lack of specimens representative of the work of the past necessitated the purchase above alluded to, which were paid for out of the special