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appropriation made by Congress to defray the expenses of the Smithsonian Institution arising out of its participation in the Centennial. A more detailed account of this exhibition will be found in its catalogue, printed in the "Proceedings United States National Museum, Vol. X. - Appendix." [[strikethrough]] a copy of which likewise accompanies this report (Exhibit B)  [[/strikethrough]] and reprinted as one of the Special papers relating to the collections in Section III of this report. The rapid growth of the collection, from 936 entries in the catalogue on March 31, 1888, the time when the first arrangement of specimens in the Museum was completed, to 2894 on June 30, 1889, making necessary a re-arrangement and expansion, the whole of the North-West Hall was given up to the Section of Graphic Arts, - the casts from Mexican sculptures etc. which had occupied its eastern half being removed to the old Smithsonian building, - and the exhibition as it stands at this writing was put into place during the months of May and June 1889. As arranged at present, the eastern side of the hall is occupied by the technical exhibition, illustrating the