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experimenters in the same and similar directions, such as Fox Talbot, Paul Pretsch, Poritevin, Assir, etc., etc., together with fine examples of lithography, engraving, etc.

The condition and extent of the Section of Graphic Arts has been thus far, and still is, such as to preclude the possibility of special researches upon the material belonging to it, and it is to be feared that it will be a long while before the opportunity for such researches can be offered. Papers by collaborators, there are none, since there are no collaborators. My own activity as a student and with the pen during the period embraced by this report has necessarily been quite limited, as my time has been taken up almost entirely by the routine work and the purely manual labor which my position in this Museum and as Curator of the Print Department at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston have forced upon me. A list of the few papers etc. that I have [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] published during the year [[strikethrough]] period in question is appended as Exhibit D [[/strikethrough]] will be found in the Bibliography (Section IV). Several papers were published