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and of printing, and in the technical illustration of the various photo-mechanical processes. The list of donations [[strikethrough]] (see exhibit B) [[/strikethrough]] ^[[herewith submitted]] shows, indeed, that a considerable number of specimens exemplifying the results of these processes has ^[[again]] been acquired, but it is very difficult, under present circumstances, to secure the means of explaining the processes themselves.
The number ^[[B]] of the last catalogue entry for the year ending June 30, 1889, was 2894, that for the year ending June 30, 1890, is 3471, showing an increase during the year of 577 numbers. There still remains to be catalogued, however, by far the larger part of the Osborne Collection, the classification of which will also place at the disposal of the Museum quite a number of duplicates, which may be used for exchanges. 

A list of papers published by me during the year will be found in [[strikethrough]] exhibit C [[/strikethrough]] ^[[In the Bibliography (Section IV)]].

I beg permission to urge again the recommendations made last year, notably the desirability of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] definitely turning over to the Section