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[[strikethrough]] The following list includes the list of [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] accessions [[strikethrough]] which have been [[/strikethrough]] received as gifts, [[strikethrough]] They are [[/crossed out]] arranged alphabetically according to names of donors. during the year ending June 30, 1892. [/underline]

^[[diagonally in margin with arrow pointing to above section]] Follow original copy

Smaller type
[[underline]] Avery, S. G. [[/underline]], New York. One dry-point by Delâtre. No. 4970

[[underline]] Bates, Kimball & Guild [[/underline]], Boston. A series of photo-mechanical reproductions of pencil drawings. No. 4839

[[underline]] Bierstadt, E.[[/underline]], New York. A set of progressive proofs of a chromocollograph. Nos 4799-4805

[[underline]] Courier Lithographing Co.[[/underline]], Buffalo, N. Y. Lithographic poster. No. 4976

[[underline]] Cross, Prof. Chas. R. [[/underline]], Boston. Mass. Heliotype printing film and impression; specimens of collographic printing; Woodbury types. Nos 4840-4850.

[[underline]] Crosscup & West [[/underline]], Philadelphia. Specimens of the new Ives Process, line and half-tone. Nos. 4851-71.