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Nos. 5742-5745.)
Herkomer, Hubert, "Etching and Mezzotint Engraving." with      illustrations, (Cat. Nos. 4980-4993.)

Keffel, Fred,& Co., New York, N.Y.  Two etchings.(Cat.Nos. 5072,5146.)

Kimmel & Voigt New York, N.Y. A collection of plates and impressions to illustrate electrotyping and steel-facing and the printing of etchings and of aquatints. (Cat. Nos. 5148-5175.)

Meder, F., New York, N.Y. Twelve prints, old and modern. (Cat. Nos. 5073-5083, 5709.)

Moran, Peter, Philadelphia, Pa.  A collection of plates, etc. to illustrate the etching process. (Cat. Nos. 5103-5108.)

Schoff, S.A., Greenfield, Mass.  One etching (Cat. No. 5229.)

Sellers, John, & Son, New York. A collection of etcher's tools and materials. (Cat. Nos. 5110-5139.)