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[[left margin]] [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] [[/left margin]] Arial & Lucile Priest July 8 to August 8, 1968 Trip to Mo & Okla. Left Washington on July 8 at about 9:30 in Ambassador Station Wagan. Stayed in Charleston, W. Va overnight. Trip to Charleston on US 60 a nightmare of curves and hills. From Charleston went to Paducah Kentucky on The 9th of July. Most of way over throughways in beautiful rolling country. From Paducah, Ky we went to Neosho, Missouri on U.S. 60 Through Springfield. Arrived Neosho about 4:PM and put up at Plaza Motel. [[left margin]] Coll. 68-1 [[/left margin]] July 11. Went north on Hy 71 to Tipton Ford Then went down to Shoal Creek and followed road on [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] west side of Shoal Creek back to Neosho. Exposures of Keokuk appear in bluffs where creek hugs the hilly country on its west side. We found one good collecting place in a gullied road in NE 1/4 SW 1/4 26-26N-32W about 2 miles S and one mile east of Tipton Ford, Neosho. [[square symbol]]