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[[stamped]] 0771 [[/stamped]] [[left margin encircled]] 17 [[/left margin circled]] Blocks from Glass Mtns. 1949 702un 92 5 703c 333 1 703d 430 1 703a 470 12 Pinery 700 3 Getaway 406 1 Lamar 688 2 706b 596 4 W4 635 6 706c 743 7 ---- 707e 5093 3 HR 12 ---- 57 2 boxes 373 ---- 5466 Pictures [[check mark]] 1 - 2. Split tank from east [[check mark]] 3 702c knob [[check mark]] 4 Aulosteges ledge [[check mark]] 5 - 6 Upper heavy bed of Leonard. [[check mark]] 7 - 8 Panorama of Mtn front [[check mark]] 9 " " " [[ditto for: Panorama of Mtn front]] [[check mark]] 10 - Leonard Mtn. from SE 11 - 706e 12 Uddenite zone shale seen on both sides of dikes at NE end of Leonard Mtn. The cliffs of conglomerate may be Wolfcamp, not Hess as King maps them.