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[[Right alignment]][[in circle]]15[[/right alignment]][[/in circle]]

No other species near by.
[[Marginalia in red]]Brun[[/marginalia in red]] Brun See a single Brun alone.
Rain somewhat stronger, 3:35pm
Then lets up a little 3:50.
See single House Wren alone.
[[Marginalia in red]]CC[[/marginalia in red]] See single CC in trees near village. More or less alone (altho there are a lot of finches, including [[underlined]] P.fruticete [[/underlined]] and Black-headed Goldfinches [ [[underlined]] magellanius [[/underlined]]?] passing in and out of the same trees).
4:25 pm See a single Orange-billed Saltator alone. [[underlined]] Hopping along ground[[/underlined]] ! Apparently feeding. In very open area (mixed bare ground and small plants0 along edge of cultivated field. So this species may provide real competition for bush-finches after all!
[[red in margin]] Brun [[/red in margin]] 4:45 pm. See a single Brun, alone and silent, in hedge by village.
[[red in margin]] CC [[/red in margin]]4:52. A single CC flies by alone. Uttering "Seeeet" Notes. 
Then see another single Orange-billed Saltator alone. In hedge.
5:10. See another single Brun alone in hedge.
[[red in margin]] CC [[/red in margin]] Then see pair of CC's feeding alone in hedge. The 2 indificuals are not very close together, about 5 ft apart. Utter a lot of "Seet" Notes. Also 1 twitter, and 1 burst of triplet song! They fly off to another hedge. Land about 10 ft apart One of them utters triplet song as "landing call"!!!
Leaving 5:35 pm. Still raining a little
It is really [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] remarkable that there are no [[underlined]] bouarieusis [[/underlined]] here It looks absolutely ideal for them.
Incidentally, it should be noted that [[underlined]] P. gayi [[/underlined]] also seem to be absent from this area. So the absence of [[underlined]] bouarieusis [[/underlined]] here cannot be du to competition with [[underlined]] gayi. [[/underlined]]