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[[right justified]] [[/circled]] 32 [[/circled]] [[/justified]] 

Cloudy. There was occasional rain on trip out.

Rain starts again almost immediately. Quite hard. 

Miscellaneous bird sounds have began by 6:00 a.m. But it is still too dark to see, and rain is getting heavier!

Vegetation here is rather lush but mixed USTF and second growth.

Most of the bird sounds ca 6:15 are Andean Sparrows, wrens (there is a small pasture and a few shacks not far away), and various species which I do not recognize. I can catch very brief and poor glimpses of a few birds moving very low threw scrub; but most are quite invisible.

Going to walk along road 6:30 a.m.

[[margin, red]] Pect? [[/margin]] Hear lots of Whitestart-like Songs. All NODWAH. That these stop. Here one long phrase which may be by Pect. Only slightly up hill! Stops. Then Whitestart-like Songs start again.

[[margin, red]] Gen [[/margin]]  Mutual Song inhibition (still) seems to be operating perfectly!

6:44. See a pair of Whitestarts. Silent. Flycatching 3 – 6 ft up in second growth scrub. Apparently alone.

[[margin ]] Flock 9 17 inds 
[[margin, obscured by following note in red ]] [[??]] [[/margin]] 
[[margin, red]] Bari? [[/margin]] Rain is decreasing now. Bird sounds increasing.

6:53. Walking up along side path, can hear lots of R's. Either fly catchers and/or Baris.

7:04 a.m. 8550 ft. Region very mixed second growth. Come across definite mixed flock. Includes 2 presumed [[underline]] H. frontalis, [[/underline]] 3 or more Synallaxis. (Latter look rather like All-rufous but are definitely different species. Grayer toward rear below. And have trace of indistinct light superciliary stripe.) All birds ranging 3 – 6 ft up. All very