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[[circle]] 15[[/circle]]

two species [[underline]]alternate phrases without overlap[[/underline]]. Then [[underline]]cyanocephala[[/underline]] shuts up.[[Cy in red in margin]] Cy continues NODWAH.

There is also a pair of ^[[2 check marks above; number 5 circled above]] Cinnamon Woodpeckers (CXXIII)in same trees

Probably, the Cy, [[underline]]cyanocephala[[/underline]] and woodpeckers should be considered to form a loose flock.

[[margin in red]]Cinn[[/margin]] Then a single Cinnamon Hummingbird [[underline]]attacks[[/underline]] one of the Cinnamon Woodpeckers!!!!! 

A few minutes later, slightly down path, see pair of ^[[number 6 circled above; 2 check marks above]] Yellowbellies 4 - 10 ft up in a hedge. At first apparently alone. Then ^[[1 check mark above; number 7 circled above]] single [[margin in red]]Ater?[[/margin]] Diglossa (probably Ater) j [[arrow to the right]] Yellowbellies.  Then Diglossa flies [[margin in red]]Cinn[[/margin]] away. Then I see single Cinn Hummer very near the Yellowbellies.

[[underline]] Is Cinnamon Hummingbird allogregarious here now?[[/underline]]

7:30. Just a few feet up road. See [[underline]]^[[1 check mark above]] pair[[/underline]] of Cys flying about. [[margin in red]]Cy[[/margin]] Both in hedge and Eucalypts.  Apparently followed by pair of Yellowbellies.  Obviously same pair seen before. They stick to hedge under Eucalypts. [[margin in red]]Ater[[/in margin]]Then single Ater f [[arrow pointed right]]Yellowbellies. Then Ater goes up [[margin in red]]Cy[[/margin]] into Eucalypts.  [[underline]]I.E. territories of Cy and Ater are at least partly overlapping here.[[/underline]] Altho I have yet to see inds. of the 2 species close together here.

Cinnamon Hummingbird and Woodpeckers are still around [[margin in red]]Cinn[[/margin]] in general neighborhood.

[[underline]]So perhaps all the birds I have seen sofar this morning have been members of the same loose social group[[/underline]]!!!!

[[margin in red]]Cy[[/margin]] Cy(s) Sing(s) again and again. All NODWAH. Then shut(s) [[margin in red]]Ater[[/margin]] up. Then I hear some presumed Ater R-Zaza patterns. Then I hear